Well see??!!! We finally have something that is worth writing about. The ultra sound we had was truly amazing. We could see little hands and feet, movement and thumb sucking. Our child looks absolutely beautiful. Here's a peak. Look at that cute little merger of loons. Yeah, we found out what sex our child is, and no we're not telling you. Everything in the ultrasound looked good. The only thing out of the ordinary that the sonographer mentioned is that our child has very long fingers. Which grandparent wants to buy Fox a piano? Sarah is doing very well. She is starting to have difficulty dealing with her belly sticking out in front of her. She has even mentioned that it feels kinda like its not even a part of her, just something she's got to carry around. I on the other hand have it worse because my side of the bed is getting smaller and smaller. With her belly and her 23 pillows I feel the pressure to finish our new bedroom so that I can stay in the guest room.
In other news, I finished my marathon last weekend. I felt really good about it and only hobbled around for two days afterwards. My official time was 3:33:04. Not bad for my first one.

I got a picture off the marathon website. Don't tell anyone. If you want to see more, just go to akronmarathon.com and click the "preview and order pictures" button on the right. search for bib number 387. It was really fun running to the next point where I could see my wife cheering me on. I don't think it will be my last marathon, but it will be my only one for a while. I'm giving myself plenty of time to lick my wounds.
Until the next time we have something interesting to blog about.
-Ohio Mulders