Grandma and Me
Well Joel's mom has been with us for a week now and we've all gotten into a pretty good routine. Now that I'm back to work Carole and Dela are home alone during the day. Apparently the first morning was a little rough and grandma had to trick Adeline into taking a bottle but since then they have gotten used to each other and it has been running a lot smoother, or so I'm told. I believe it though, Dela seems to be getting bigger every day.
Now Adeline has taken to her grandmother as if she has been here forever, greeting her in the morning with a smile and baby coos . It's very cute. It has been great having her around. Dela loves her and I know she is being taken care of with as much love and patience as Joel and I could offer ourselves with the added touch only a grandma can give.
Yesterday our neighbor Eef threw Dela a welcome to the world party for the neighborhood in traditional Dutch fashion complete with Muisjes. This is Dutch for "little mice" and involves spreading a cracker with butter and then sprinkling candy covered aniseed over them and eating them. It was surprisingly good. All the neighbors came over and we all sat on the front porch and enjoyed the 75 degree Cleveland Spring day. Dela napped through a lot of it and I'm sure she had no idea that the fuss was all in her name but non the less it was a great way to introduce her formally to the neighborhood.
I can't believe that she is 2 months old now and would you believe that she slept though the night on Friday night??!! It probably won't happen again for a while but Joel and I did appreciate it.
This week Grandpa Mulder is coming in from Chicago on Tuesday, our friends Kevin and Kelly get the keys to their house on Thursday (meaning Joel and I will be up late TPing that night) and I have a job interview on Friday. Wish us all luck and safe travels!!

Well Joel's mom has been with us for a week now and we've all gotten into a pretty good routine. Now that I'm back to work Carole and Dela are home alone during the day. Apparently the first morning was a little rough and grandma had to trick Adeline into taking a bottle but since then they have gotten used to each other and it has been running a lot smoother, or so I'm told. I believe it though, Dela seems to be getting bigger every day.
Now Adeline has taken to her grandmother as if she has been here forever, greeting her in the morning with a smile and baby coos . It's very cute. It has been great having her around. Dela loves her and I know she is being taken care of with as much love and patience as Joel and I could offer ourselves with the added touch only a grandma can give.
I can't believe that she is 2 months old now and would you believe that she slept though the night on Friday night??!! It probably won't happen again for a while but Joel and I did appreciate it.
This week Grandpa Mulder is coming in from Chicago on Tuesday, our friends Kevin and Kelly get the keys to their house on Thursday (meaning Joel and I will be up late TPing that night) and I have a job interview on Friday. Wish us all luck and safe travels!!