Christmas is Coming!!!

It's very exciting for a little girl when Christmas is coming. A tree in the back getting lights was Dela's first clue that something was happening. But it was hard getting into the Christmas spirit with out any snow. Well that is no longer a problem. Here is that Christmas tree now.

It's the tree in the background not the foreground. We got lots of snow this week and the forecast has snow in it everyday until... well spring I think. As a result we had to get Adeline prepared. So we went out and bought her a snow suit, some boots, hat and mittens and of course a sled. She was a little hesitant at first.

But after a while we got the gist of it.

After a quick "Hi Tree!" in the morning:

It was time to decorate it after we got our pajamas on that night.

Dela now knows with out a shadow of a doubt that something is happening. It's all so very exciting...