Happy Thanksgiving to all. It was a great day. We had a 20 lb turkey, so the sandwiches will be many. Since there is a five year tradition of Thanksgiving alternating between being hosted by the Mulders and the Stimmells, Sean and I have created a competition of who had the bigger bird. I fear eventually we will be eating ostrich just to keep the competition going. For dinner this year we had eight people: Nate, Tracy, Sadie, Sean, Sarah, Joel, Angela, and Kata (left to right). Kevin and Kelly showed up after dinner for games. Lily and Charlie, the four legged ones, made the day quite lively. The only mishap was that we forgot the traditional green jell-o in the fridge and nobody got any. To give credit where credit is due, Sean is the card champion of Thanksgiving 2006. The guy seems to have a gift when it comes to playing hearts.
Sarah and I started Thanksgiving day with the five mile Turkey Trot race. It was a beautiful day and we got to do a lovely run around downtown Cleveland. We also both

had very good running times. However, the first 100 across the finish line got pumpkin pies and we didn't get one. I actully placed 363rd. Sarah was a little behind me. There was a total of 1982 runners. Because we ran 5 miles in the morning, we felt justified while feasting that afternoon. All in all it was a great day. If anyone is interested in leftovers, we have plenty.
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