Well Christmas has come and gone. It was one of the better ones. We unfortunately did not have enough time to see all our family, and we miss you guys who we couldn't see. But we did get to spend time with our immeadiate families. We first went to Chicago and saw the Mulders in all their glory (well Laura was not in her full glory... a touch of the Christmas flu I think.) Being soundly past that horrible phase in life when the family is a drag, the more time I spend with them, the more I wish I could see them more often. For the record, Brian and I are the Euchre champs for 2006. For Sarah this Christmas was monumental. For one, she got off work for a couple of days for it. More importantly, she hosted her family's Christmas for the first time this year. Our house was filled with 8 Hull family members. The tree overflowed with gifts and the mantel couldn't han

dle many more stockings.

All in all, it was a wonderful year. My woodshop got a little bigger, the running gear got cooler, and the snow got a lot easier to throw, but greatest of all is the love of family living and growing. May we be even stronger next year. Merry Christmas everyone... we love you all.
So when do we create/destroy/build/cut things with the table saw?
let me know too so I can be standing by with 9-1 already dialed.... ;)
The house looks FANTASTIC and so cheery!!! We miss you guys but we'll be back in Cleveland tomorrow!
We missed you when family was a drag and are soooo glad you didn't move to Austraila as was the plan during that time. It was truly a good Christmas. Hope we can get together again before next Christmas! And remember, fingers come off much easier than they go back on so be careful with your new tools!
Wonderfull and relaxing xmas at the "Two Loons Lodge"...Great food and company...even the scotch tasted better in front of the Mulder fire place...the recliner was of course perfect for naps...our xmas was so perfect I've decided to retire and move into the "africa" room...Besides, having already sawed off many of my fingers, I can help you and kevin create/destroy/build/cut things with the table saw...Bo
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