We're home!!!
I am proud to e-announce the arrival of Adeline Emma into our lives. This was quite an adventure. One that I will need to forget somewhat by the time we consider our second child. Adeline didn't come easy. We avoided a c-section, but we had almost every other complication available. Before the little girl came out she decided (with no consult from mom or dad) that it would be good to wrap her umbilical cord around her neck and then head toward the birth canal sideways. I think if she had the chance to reconsider this choice, she would. She did ponder the options for quite some time, since she had about 26 hours after Sarah's water broke to think about it before she was born. As a result we utilized every tool imaginable to get the gorgeous little one into this world. Needless to say there were some red flags during delivery that caused Dela to stay the first few days of here life in the intensive care unit. After that she was given a clean bill of health. Bo and Cindy came early, since it was their first grandchild and their only princess, and got to see Adeline right after delivery. Look how proud the new grandparents are.
Grandma and grandpa Mulder came the next day and reveled in the amazing beauty that is Adeline. As you can see, Dela was well liked by all, and it didn't take long before she was rolling with peeps of her own. She does know, however, that peeps are peeps but there is nothing like family. Yesterday the whole family came home and dad proved that he could take a sleeping baby and put her in a 5 point harness car seat with out even waking her. Dad is quickly developing a new skill set.
Today is Friday and all the grandparents are gone... having filled themselves on grandparental love. Now it's just the immediate loons left and the papa loon is left taking care of his two girls. They are using up some well earned nap times.