OK so its been quite some time since the last blog. We've been a little busy. It's been nine months of get ready get ready, and now we're ready and all we have to do is wait. Today is the official due date. But there is still no sign of Dela. Sarah is still carrying around this belly.

And as you can see, I put up the traditional block wooden letters to spell Dela's name. We're very happy how the nursery turned out. It's a warm cozy little place for our little one. I also have another picture of Dela around here somewhere... lemme see... its from an ultrasound about a month ago... here it is.

Isn't she cute. Its hard to believe that in just a few days I'm going to be a dad. I guess I'm still in a little bit of denial. I still feel too young to be a dad, but we went to a birthday party a few nights back and there were a lot of parents there. Most of which were younger than me. In fact there was only one older than me. So maybe its time. I mean after all, I have put together a woodshop, a backyard fire pit, and now a nursery. I've developed a mountain's worth of patience (high school teacher), an off beat sense of humor and a taste for beer. I now have the ability to annoy my wife with out even trying, embarrass her with a single comment and make her laugh with just a look, which I can only imaging will transfer to the daughter. What more does a dad need? This is not a rhetorical question. You dad's out there... please comment. What more does a dad need? We'll keep you all posted for when the little one makes her appearance. Love to you all.
Too old to be a dad?
Aren't you, like, 45?
Discard the annoying and embarassing, and make sure you laugh together, and not at you.
We're waiting with patience for Sarah to lose her tummy and regain her figure, and you will be able to share the holding of a cute and healthy Dela. May God bless you both, I mean you three. Love Gramps G.
Joel...Be sure you get the baby manual at the hospital..Apparently there is a full list of istructions issued with every baby...I forgot mine when I picked Sarah up and you know the results...Your present "Dad" list seems complete...I would only add that you should develope the ablity to take a nap at anytime during the day...We also are waiting with patience...the truck has two suit cases loaded and Grandma/H has been on a "mad baby dress/cloths buying binge"...Love to the three of you...Grandpa H
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