So here is another update. Sarah and I still seem to have very little time for leisurely activities such as updating a blog. I can only assume that we will have more free time once the baby arrives. Sarah is growing quite a good little belly. Here is a succession of shots for all of those who can not make it to see the real thing at this time.

What a cutie. The nursery is progressing nicely. Mom and dad Mulder came down last weekend and helped me hang drywall and start the mudding. It was a great help!! Sarah and I feel that this coming weekend, we will be able to paint the nursery. I guess that means that we will have to come up with colors this week. We are thinking red black and purple stripes. That is not set in stone yet though. Little "Foxey" is not much help in the decision making. All she can do at this point is kick, but she never does it in response to a question about room color. You'd think she would care a little more about her own room. I have been mudding the room ever since dad Mulder left and I've learned a few things. 1. Mud is cheap... buy as much as you need, then buy some more. 2. Always work your mud. It comes out of the bucket with lots of bubbles. Things will work more smoothly if you slap it around a bit first (insert crude joke here). 3. The bigger the blade, the broader the stroke. 4. In this case, pressure is a good thing. 5. There is great beauty in the phrase, "you're in a closet... don't try so hard." In all reality, if the drywall ends up looking like a perfect, smooth wall then it won't match the rest of the house.

In other news, we are trying to narrow the search of baby names down, but it is still going rough. I am quite disappointed in the lack of participation in the baby name contest on this blog. Do I have to up the stakes. Who ever comes up with the winning name gets a free month of spending time with "Foxy" at their house
(while Joel and Sarah go on a cruise)
Preggers Sarah = Cute!!
We are so excited for you two. Also, if you need help painting, shopping for fun baby things, etc., let the Hatgases know. We're not just good dinner dates, you know!
A baby's name should have some of the personality of the parents in it. Since you two are crazy plant people (yes, I said it), I have come up with the perfect name. May I present...
Ficus Lily Mulder
It just rolls off the tounge, doesn't it?
Isn't the name obvious? Loon Mulder
how about olivia
you should name her Tacco and hot sauce for short or Joelle after you
Chippewa Lake...Grandmother Hull suggests "Claire Lorraine" without comment...
Grandfather Hull will call her "Fox" (none of this Foxey crap...So do I win the one month of baby sitting?
Been a little while since the last update...folks in Chip. Lake want to know...
I got a name....i think it is great for girls. Gabriela Jawsulin (spell how ever you wish). When the kid grows you can call her Gabby Jaws HAHAHAHAHA....
Mulders need to update!
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