A weekend trip
Last Wednesday the Mulder crew took another trip North. This time for an interview in Traverse City better known in some circles as Voldemort City where good friends are separated by state lines and big 10 (11) rivalries.
The interview went well and I'm waiting to hear one way or the other if I got the job. it would be nice to be back in Michigan but we've got a pretty good thing going here in Cleveland as well.
Now we are back in Cleveland. Nana is with us for 3 weeks to watch Adeline during the day. Again we are eternally greatful for the wonderful family we have. Dela doesn't know it yet but she is one lucky girl....
Speaking of which I got my first mother's day card this weekend. It was signed with an outline of Adelines little hand and I found it next to her with a tin of chocolate covered almonds on Mother's Day morning when I went to check on her. She was lying in bed with the biggest grin on her face. It was as if she knew her daddy had helped her with her first mother's day present for me! We love her so....
Adeline clearly has her grandpa Bo's eyes...Knowing she is looking through his eyes is a comfort to "nana"...
Surprisingly, Voldemort City looks pretty nice. That must be how they lure you in...
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