The New Lodge
So I've been getting some grief that there should be pictures of the new place posted. So here we go...
Finally, a place to hang this without any intentions of taking it down again.

This is the front of the house, so if you are coming to visit this is what you look for.

Here is the front porch room where we pontificate.
The backyard is beautiful. The previous owners were master rose gardeners. Here are some pics of our back patio. Standing on it, I once counted 25 varieties of roses.

Here is the back yard from the patio. At that small treeline on the top of the hill you can see about 6 more acres that are ours.
This is the backyard willow tree and pond. A meager beginning to the water features and shade gardens to follow.
Sarah wants to turn this space into an Adeline friendly garden.
This is a freeloader. Not only do we give him free room, but evidently the fish I put in the pond a week ago provided him with free meals too.

I had some pictures of the rose gardens, but for some reason they won't load onto blogspot.
Sarah and I are very happy with our new place, and are eager to get working on all the gardens. But there is no shortness of things to do. The reason there are no pictures of this inside of this house is because we are not quite unpacked yet. Adeline's room was first on our list and is almost done. Pictures to follow.
So come visit, everyone. The Two Loons' door is always open.