Picture time.
So here we go with some more pictures. There are some old and some new. We had a few compiled because our new connection does not upload pictures as fast as our old, so it takes a good time investment to post a blog. Today, I got some time
When we first moved up to T.C. we found a little park next to the bay. Adeline loved the swings.
Grandpa and Nana liked them too.
Here is the father's day present that Adeline got me this year. She usually has ulterior motives in her gifts.
Here is the photo of the kitchen we took when we were house hunting.

Here are some shots of the kitchen now that we've had our spin on it.

I put in a new sink in and new fixtures on it. Doing dishes has never been so satisfying.

Dela is getting big quick. She now can use the stool Grandma M. got her to brush her teeth at the sink.

Well we're gunna sneak out of here.
Love to all from the Looney Mulders
Here are some shots of the kitchen now that we've had our spin on it.
I put in a new sink in and new fixtures on it. Doing dishes has never been so satisfying.
Dela is getting big quick. She now can use the stool Grandma M. got her to brush her teeth at the sink.
Well we're gunna sneak out of here.
I hope I can come up there soon and see that darling Dela in the flesh. Thanks for the pics tho, to keep me up to date. Gramps G.
Great job on the kitchen! What kind of fish does Dela have there? She is so beautiful!
the kitchen looks amazing. im so jealous! and dela is so cute. i love the hat she's wearing on the swing- where is it from?
Thanks! We were nervous about painting the counter tops but they turned out nice in the end. The hat and matching dress are from baby Gap. (a gift from a very nice aunt) and the fish as near as we can tell is a cross between a sunfish and a large mouth bass...
I think the counter top in the kitchen is a little too dark!...Could you have gotten it a shade lighter?...Also why no orange/peach in the kitchen?...Grandpa Bo
I dunno if I would have gone with the orange/peach - too fruity - but beige - you can never go wrong with beige - I suggest a 100 gallon pail of beige for all walls, counters, headboards, tailboards and anything else that could hold a coat of paint (maybe even carpet?) ;)
And how come Grandpa Bo always is anonymous but then signs his name?
I don't understand why G. Bo is anonymous either. Especially since he has a blog spot account. Maybe we need to put a lock on all anonymous comments....:-)
I somehow completely missed this post so I'm REALLY late in responding. BUT THE KITCHEN LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice work on the kitchen. Much more to my liking.
I see a picture of your Mom in a swing. I tried to send her an email but she's apparently gone of the net since leaving GVSU. Can you send me her email or have her conact me with it?
Uncle Keith
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