Saturday, December 09, 2006

Two Loons
So I hear some people think that this Blog under-represents the second and likely loonier loon in the marriage so here is my post...
Life is good. I'm working at the pediatric ER at a community hospital across town. The hours are great, the people there are great and the patients are great too. 9 out of 10 of them have nothing that needs to be addressed in an ER. (chief complaint: belly pain x 2 months should be seen by the regular doctor not 1am on Thursday morning) but I've seen some pretty sick kids too. And I don't even mind seeing all the kids with colds.
The other day I saw a little boy who was crafting with his mother and suddenly began complaining of nose pain. Mom brought him to the ER and after a thorough exam I discovered he had an eye in his nose. That's right, I took my light and peered up the left nostril and saw a googlie eye staring back at me. I resisted the temptation to ask him to shake his head so I could see the plastic pupil role back and forth and rather removed it with a pair of tweezers. An easy cure and a warning to anyone who thinks paper reindeer crafting is harmless.
I also wonder about parenting skills on the west side of town as I have fixed more nursemaids elbows in the past 2 weeks than I have seen in my entire career. They must be yanking their kids around by the wrist all day.
Anyway enough about work. Life at home is great too. Joel seems to be enjoying teaching for the most part. (see last post) but I think I may need to get him a kevlar vest for Christmas. I do admit that his Christmas decorations this year are pretty cool and I can't wait to have my family in town to see them this Christmas. I'm trying not to get myself to excited about the holiday yet because I have to take the third step of my licensing exam on the 20th and 21st. Wish me luck. I don't remember much about adult medicine except that I hear crushing chest pain is bad. Love you all and hopefully Joel will let me post again soon!


Anonymous said...

Ah, glad to hear from the other half. I was a bit suspicious with the comment about how great Joel's Christmas display is, but I will give the benefit of the doubt that it really is Sarah and not just Joel pretending to be Sarah. We had a child with nursemaids elbow - twice. Now she seems to have gymnastics knee. Could be the west side just puts out loose-jointed kids? Looking forward to seeing you both in 2 weeks!

bigloon said...

First of all, to address that comment of "I hope Joel will let me post again soon." I taught her how the day I started the blog, and encouraged her to post. Don't let her fool you into thinking I'm oppressive. Second, I'll post some photos soon. I'm just looking for the perfect light.

-Alpha Loon

Anonymous said...

Thought I might try out this blog thing since so much family communication is going on here. Glad to hear Sarah is enjoying the ER. There's something to be said for shift-work. Can't draw too many negative conclusions from joint injuries sustained within the home; someone in our house recently dislocated his shoulder while walking down the stairs. Looking forward to some holiday cheering with all of you soon.

Anonymous said...

Oops! I forgot to wish Sarah lots of luck on the USMLE Step 3! May you reach deep into your memory pockets and find all the answers. We'll be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear your side of the combat---I mean comeraderie! It's a delight to get your blogs, even though it's a weak substitute for your actual presence. Will miss seeing you when we get together on the 19th, as well as Karen and Paul.
G and G