Thursday, March 20, 2008

Adventures in Motherhood
The Cloth Diaper Diaries

So Adeline is one month old now. I can't believe that the time is flying by so fast. She is growing bigger every day and it won't be long before spring is here and we can play outside in the grass. For about two weeks now our little one has been in cloth diapers. People have called Joel and I crazy (For many things, the cloth diapers are just one of the most recent adventures to earn us this title) but I think it's working out very well.
For those of you who are picturing the folding, pinning and layering that used to encompass cloth diapers, fear not. The cloth diapers of late are all in one, waterproof, velcro, fleece and elastic wonders that could very well be the works of NASA engineers (or stay at home moms). Joel and I have gotten very good with them and I think Dela even prefers them over the rough plastic things even if the Bumgenius diapers make her butt look big. (Move over J. Lo)
Other than the rainbow of colors INSIDE Dela's diaper my life is pretty dull at the moment. A highlight on my week is having made it to the gym a few times and running again. That said I live for every new development in my little girl no matter how small. For example, she is holding her head up on her own and I swear she is even smiling every once in a while. She has developed a liking for baths and last night slept a full 5 hours. She likes rattley, bright, music singing toys and tummy time (mainly being on mommy or daddy's tummy)

This weekend we are taking our first road trip to Michigan to visit grandparents, great grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. Wish us luck!

Oh and if you like you can check out the link below. Click on the Spring 2008 issue. If you scroll down to the 4th page you'll find an article I wrote for the American Academy of Pediatrics Resident Report about my trip to Africa last winter. Enjoy!


'BOTB said...

Wow, a skilled doctor, wondeful mother, AND a talented writer. Is there anything Sarah C. Mulder, MD can't do?

Seriously, we will have to think of something fun to do while leaving the boys and Dela at home.

Anonymous said...

Sure enjoyed your visit. You've got a cutie there,and I think she will be a smarty too. She didn't laugh when she was in my arms looking at my bald-headed wrinkled face, so she is responsible in her actions already. She does need to be taught responsibility, because she left her pacifer behind with us. I would think she could have realized we don't need a pacifer. But she'll learn.