Friday, September 05, 2008

Last March of the Pacifiers
On Wednesday we decided it was time to get rid of the pacifier. Adeline is 6 months old now and there is no reason why she should still have it. In my heart I know it will be easier to get rid of now than in another 6 months. So.....
Wednesday night we put her down without it. She cried for about 45 minutes like she did when we first started with the bedtime routine. But she fell asleep with only a few visits from mom and dad to tell her everything was OK. She slept the rest of the night and only woke twice for a few minutes at a time.
THEN we took her to day care. Joel dropped her off sans pacifier but since miss Bella doesn't come in until 8 Joel didn't get to tell her we were weaning. Long story short when Joel picked up Dela at 4 she had a brand new Winnie the Poo pacifier that the ladies from daycare had gone out and bought her. They felt bad that Adeline's mom and dad could be so mean and had forgotten one for the day. She apparently had the biggest "I-fooled-you" smile on her face we have seen yet.
Needless to say we had to start over last night but it wasn't as bad. She only cried for about 15 minutes and slept through the whole night with only one squeal around 1am.
I personally feel bad for denying Adeline of her one guilty pleasure while she's just ramping up to teething and when we were in the book store with her Wednesday we got her a monkey puppet which she LOVES. It's like the kitty but it lets her yank on it's tail and put it in her mouth.
We named it Paci.


Sadie said...

Wow, I can't believe she is 6 months old! It sounds like she is doing pretty well for losing the pacifier! Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Now I lay me down to sleep,
without a paci I can keep.

If I should wake before the dawn,
I'll surely find my BLANKET gone!

Mom and dad are realy funky,
to think I'm happy with a monkey.

But I'll just wait because I know,
I'll get my paci back from granpa BO!!!!

Anonymous said...

You can put lipstick on a monkey, but it is still a monkey.... or a monkey by any other name smells, well, like a monkey... we need more photos!!! nana.