Sunday, February 22, 2009

Adeline is 1 years old!!!

and yes, she does love cake for anyone who was wondering. Sarah and I are completely amazed when we think about how much she has changed in one year. Not to mention the fact that one year has gone by already. It seems like just last month she looked like this:
Now she's scooting around the house and calling us by our official titles: Ma ma and Ad da. (Da da still refers to the cat.) Speaking of the cat, Dela has definitely reached higher intellect that the cat. She has on more than one occasion successfully cornered the cat in an attempt to "play." Guinny has been a great cat in the respect that when cornered instead of fighting her way out she finds the alternative of a great leap of faith over Dela. This isn't easy for her as she has put on a lot of post baby weight, and she will rue the day that Dela gets fast enough reflexes to reach up when Guinny jumps.
Anywho, we had a delightful Dela-versary, filled with friends and family. We missed all who could not attend. Of the non-attenders, Grandma and Grandpa Mulder had the best reason of all not to attend. They were in Minnesota welcoming Dela's new cousin, Morgan Grace Grogg. Congratulations, Groggs!!!! and when are you starting a blog so that I can see more pictures?
Well Dela sends her best wishes to all and thanks to all who sent presents. To whomever sent the musical cube in the mail, she would like to know who you are. It came with no identification.
Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Without a doubt she is the most precious child in the world...Grandpa Bo (Badger...remember moscow rules)

'BOTB said...

Dela looks just like Sarah in that first picture. Can't believe how fast time has flown...and how quickly the next few months will go by. We need to maximize our time before you leave!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the musical cube was all me.

don't believe anyone who tells you differently. They are lying to you.

unless something better comes in the mail... in which case, that was all me. you're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Oh! What a little doll! I can't wait to see her again. I'm glad she enjoyed her birthday party. All is going well up here at the expanded Grogg family. I'm definately keeping busy1 Love to you all.