Thursday, February 26, 2009

Funniest Daycare Thing Ever!!

Today when I went to pick up Adeline from daycare I caught the tail end of the funniest thing ever. A daycare fire drill. Mass chaos as you could imagine. toddlers who haven't been outside in oh say about 4 months all of a sudden in the parking lot. Aides trying to keep them all from running everywhere. But the cutest part was the infants. It turns out the protocol for emptying a day-care of all of it's infants is to load them all up into the biggest crib in the room and wheel it outside. Just try to imagine 5 almost toddlers peaking over the side of a crib watching all the "big kids" go nuts in the parking lot. Maybe that's what the octomom's family will look like in a few months...

By the way, in case anyone is keeping track Adeline is now 19lbs. She just got her one year check-up and vaccines on Monday. No Rubella for her!!!


Anonymous said...

Did Badger calm the other infants down in the rolling evacuation or was she leading the parking lot jail break?

Anonymous said...

Joel, I think you should design a cage with large wheels, and separate compartments for each of the passengers.(With a harness for the one doing the pulling!)And maybe a cookie tray for each compartment.

Kristen Baumann said...

that.. is.. adorable!