Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Spring is here and mom and dad let me play outside when its warm... even if its raining. Check out my new walking skills with the awesome toy I got from Grandma M.

Easter Sunday came and I got all fancied up. I like to sit in my rocking chair, but I'm not quite sure why my parents put it in the front yard.

On the same day I got a basket full of goodies. Including a marshmallow thing that is called a peep! If you never tried one, I highly recommend it. I shoved the whole thing in my mouth it was soooooo gooooood. I couldn't sleep during my first naptime.

For some reason the peep seemed vaguely familiar.. .. as if I've seen one before...


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Second best next to seeing you'all in the flesh! Thank you! GrampsG.

Leatrice said...

Dont get my baby sick now playin in the Rain